For many of us who tend to think in a linear, structured way (especially process-oriented me), thinking creatively does not come naturally. It takes guidance and suggestions that encourage new ways of thinking or seeing an issue from another perspective. That’s why I was happy to read in David Armano’s Logic + Emotion blog that Roger von Oech, the author of A Whack on the Side of the Head, has started his own blog.
Back when I was starting in social marketing years ago as an intern at Porter/Novelli in DC, everyone in the company received a copy of his book, plus the accompanying Creative Whack Pack — a deck of cards with a different creative technique on each. I’ve used the book and pack when I’ve needed some inspiration to spark my creativity.
As an example, the picture above is on a card titled “Change Its Name”:
If an architect looks at an opening between two rooms and thinks “door,” that’s what she’ll design. But if she thinks “passageway,” she may design something much different like a “hallway,” “air curtain,” “tunnel,” or perhaps a “courtyard.” Different words bring in different assumptions and lead your thinking in different directions. What else can you call your idea?
If you need a little creative pick-me-up, check out Roger’s blog and get whacked.
Technorati Tags: creativity, marketing, social marketing
Isn’t it cool when someone who has influenced you in other media starts blogging?
Pretty exciting to witness.
Absolutely. The more interesting and influencial people blogging out there, the better!