Speak Up for Darfur

This Sunday April 30 is the Save Darfur Rally to Stop Genocide on the National Mall in Washington DC. Other rallies will be happening in cities around the country on that day. If you are able to attend one of the rallies, speak up for those who have no voice. If you cannot attend a rally in person, you can be there online via the Virtual March for Darfur — sign your name and be counted.

About a year and half ago, I started speaking at Los Angeles-area schools to raise students’ awareness about the situation in Darfur and slavery in Sudan. I was amazed at how engaged the students became with this issue, with many of them selling green bracelets to raise funds and getting involved with local events. In fact, they formed a group called “Teens Against Genocide” with students from 20 different area high schools and held their own rally in front of the Federal building last Sunday.

If you would like to learn more about the situation in Darfur, which is particularly poignant on this Holocaust Remembrance Day, take a look at information from the Save Darfur Coalition and/or watch this movie from Physicians for Human Rights. Then check out this list of 10 Things You Can Do Right Now from the Genocide Intervention Network.

“Never again,” which is what the world said after the Holocaust, and again after Rwanda, has to mean that we do something when we know that genocide is happening. We take action. We’re already too late for 400,000 people murdered by their own government. Millions more refugees are counting on us to help them. Let’s be their voices.

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