Carnival of Nonprofit Consultants – Social Marketing Edition

Once again, it’s time to roll out the big top for the Carnival of Nonprofit Consultants. As always, it features the seven best posts for nonprofits from across the blogosphere, this week focusing on social marketing.

Starting it off is Paul Jones of Cause Related Marketing, who gives us the good, the bad and the ugly of using celebrities in your social marketing.

Craig Lefebvre of On Social Marketing and Social Change reports back from the Mobile Persuasion conference about how mobile technologies are being used for behavior and social change. Don’t miss the free Captology Forums being offered to continue the discussions.

Carol Kirshner of Driving in Traffic describes how using the unexpected and piquing people’s curiosity can make your messages stick.

Matthew Monberg of Beyond Giving urges us to make our messages relevant by building them around the needs for connection and reward.

Kivi Leroux Miller of Nonprofit Communication provides a clever example of an advocacy campaign that uses a calendar of not-so-pretty pin-ups to make its point.

Nancy Schwartz of Getting Attention notes some other creative examples promoting condoms and other social issues that she found at Houtlust, also one of my favorite sources for news on innovative social marketing campaigns from around the world. [By the way, an interesting bit of trivia I learned from Marc (Mr. Houtlust himself) is that in Dutch, the word “Houtlust” is nothing kinky, but an old-fashioned word that people name their homes or boats; the word hout means wood, and the blog is so named because from the window of Marc’s studio in the Dutch Riverlands he can see his stove wood. Sorry to disappoint those of you with more active imaginations.]

Speaking of condoms, CK stirred things up this week at the Marketing Profs Daily Fix with a post on New York City’s efforts to market safe sex with its own branded condom. She solicited ideas from other marketers on how to create the brand/slogan, which she is going to be presenting to the people at NYC City Hall for their consideration.

And for the bonus host post from yours truly, I discuss how we as marketers need to make sure we think about what is rude, crude and socially unacceptable in light of the kerfuffle that Cartoon Network marketing caused in Boston last week and a billboard that was pulled because it had the word “sucks” on it.

Kivi, the founder of the Carnival, is hosting next week. If you would like to submit a post for consideration, send it to npc.carnival AT yahoo DOT com with your name, your blog’s name and the URL of the post (not your blog homepage). The deadline is Friday, 8:00 p.m. ET.

Thanks for coming by! Feel free to stay and poke around for a while if you’re new here.

[UPDATED 2/8/07: Fixed links to Beyond Giving, which just moved to a new URL.]

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  1. 🙂 Nedra let’s give you the scoop:
    The name Houtlust is changing for obvious reasons.
    I’m just rebuilding the entire blog with a own domain, new name, new and more funtionality and of course the headlines from my favourite social marketing and design blogs.

  2. You heard it here first, folks. Marc, give me more details and when it’s up, I’m happy to let people know.

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