Blogs vs. Bulletin Boards for Health Issues

Fard Johnmar at HealthCareVox discusses the ways blogs and bulletin boards can be used to foster discussion and community around health issues.

He concludes that

Bulletin boards are a great way to forge close, vibrant virtual communities of people who share common medical conditions or healthcare-related interests. Blogs are an ideal means of educating readers, shaping dialogue and aggregating diverse commentary on a range of topics.

In the rush to take advantage of new media technologies, don’t forget the oldies but goodies like bulletin boards that have been around since the Internet was nothing but a bunch of BBSes.


  1. Do lod sites like blogger allow for a bulletin board type setup or feel so a user can add their comment on a topic and others can view it as oppsed to the add comment features that seem to be for the editor of the blod to view and edit first?

  2. I think that blog comments will generally look like you see them here. Whether the blogger moderates the comments before allowing them to be posted varies from person to person. I don’t moderate my readers’ comments, though I periodically will delete comment spam.

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