In this everchanging world in which we live in…*

File this one under “Jobs we could never have envisioned two years ago”:

An organization called Global Kids, Inc. in New York is looking for a Second Life Special Trainer:

The Second Life Special Trainer will join GK’s Online Leadership Program (OLP) team for the summer of 2006. The OLP works with young people to develop web-based dialogues and socially conscious games that inspire youth world-wide to learn and take action about global and public affairs.

Now in its sixth year, the OLP is expanding its role within the Teen Second Life virtual world. Our summer program will build on our work in this space to develop a foreign policy and activism summer camp, in conjunction with our US in the World Summer Institute. The Special Trainer will adapt existing experiential, interactive workshops for
use in the virtual world, co-facilitate the workshops for online teens, assist the youth to develop an action plan, and document best practices.

Steve Rubel called this “virtual marketing,” which seems a pretty good name for these kinds of efforts in Second Life (which I’ve written about before). I suspect that in the next generation of teens, when the technology improves a little more, teens’ lives (and perhaps ours as well) will move in and out from actual to virtual worlds and back seamlessly. I predict that this will become a huge marketing venue and that instead of websites that people look at in the “real world,” we will each have a chunk of virtual property from which to hawk our products/ideas, interacting within the virtual world as if we were actually there.

Oh, and maybe we’ll have flying cars too.

*Bonus points to whoever gets the reference and knows that I am not just a poor grammatician!

1 Comment

  1. Easy: “Live and Let Die.” McCartney always drove me nuts with that line — lazy writing.

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